Project Managers and Engineers
Bayu-Darwin Pipeline
Bayu-Darwin Pipeline
JDA, Timor Sea
September 2002 – February 2003
Seconded a project management team (including project manager) into
Multiplex Construction who undertook the fabrication and retrofit installation of a 28” riser and spool at the Conoco Phillips Bayu-Undan platform on a fixed price, lump sum basis.
JDA, Timor Sea
March 2003 – March 2005
Seconded a team into Multiplex Construction to undertake two scopes of
Project manage the detailed design of the 500km long Bayu Darwin pipeline (26”dia) using Kvaerner as the design engineers.
Submit proposal and negotiate the award of the transport and install (T&I) phase of the Bayu Darwin pipeline project in joint venture with Saipem.

Offshore installation was subcontracted to Technip utilising the DSV Venturer as the primary installation vessel for the workscope.
Project was completed on time and under budget.
Confidential Client
Confidential Client
Asia Pacific
April 2010 – Present Day
Provision of specialist offshore project management team to support the offshore installation of a metmast with suction can foundations in challenging seabed conditions as a precursor to a proposed 200mW offshore wind farm development

Confidential Client
Confidential Client
United Kingdom
April 2011 – December 2014
Provision of a commercial management team to support the procurement and installation of an onshore 500kw wind turbine project in UK. Responsibilities included negotiation of grid connection agreement, a power purchase agreement, grid connection access agreements and a project specific funding package (both debt and equity)